SAP PP Module Syllabus (S/4 Hana)  
TopicDescriptionTraining system
GeneralMaster Data 
PP-MDMaterial Master (Discussion on PP related all fields and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDDelta changes in S/4 Hana masterdataS/4 Hana On-premise
Configuration of Org structure and system landscapeSAP PP Organization Structure, System LandscapeS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDBill of Materials (Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDWork Center (Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDResource (Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDRouting (Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDMaster Receipe(Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDProduction Version(Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDClass (Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MDCharacteristics (Explain required field and create in S/4 Hana system)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-Factory CalenderFactory Calender 
Production Planning (Discrete)  
PP-SOPSales and Operation PlanningS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-Demand ManagementDemand Management- Diff. types of planning strategies (Eg-MTS, MTO, MTE) and ConfigurationS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MRPMaterial Requirement Planning (MRP)-Different types of planning procedure and configuration)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MRPMaterial Requirement Planning in S/4 Hana, MRP liveS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MRPDelta changes in S/4 Hana masterdataS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MRPDD MRPS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-MPSMaster Production Scheduling (MPS)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-CRPCapacity Requirement PlanningS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-LTPLong Term Planning FunctionalitiesS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-Shop Floor Execution  
PP-SFCProduction Order Basics (PP-SFC) – Apply Production Order FunctionalityS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-SFCProduction Order Advanced (PP-SFC) – Configure Production Order FunctionalityS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-SFCDifferent types of Production Order ConfirmationsS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-SFCProduction Order Information system, COHV, Rework OrderS/4 Hana On-premise
Lean Manufacturing  
PP-REMLean ManufacturingS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-REMa) Repetetive Manufacturing Functionality and ConfigurationS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-KANBANb) Kanban Process and ConfigurationS/4 Hana On-premise
Production Planning (Process Industry)  
PP-PIProcess Order (PP-PI)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-PIPP-PI Master data setup and configurationS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-Variant Configuration  
PP-LOVCVariant configuration (PP-VC) Setup and Process (Basic)S/4 Hana On-premise
PP-Product Costing  
PP-COProduct Costing OverviewS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-COProduct Costing ConfigurationS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-Batch Management  
PP-LOBMBatch MasterS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-LOBMBatch Management ProcessS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-LOBMBatch Management configuartionS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-LOBMBatch Classification &Batch determinationS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-S4 Hana Project MethodologyActivate Project MethodologyS/4 Hana On-premise
PP-AppsFiori Apps 
Project MethodologyS/4 Hana project methodology (Activate)S/4 Hana On-premise
POC ProjectsPOC Project-1 on S/4 Hana systemS/4 Hana On-premise
 POC Project-2 on S/4 Hana systemS/4 Hana On-premise
 Discussion on implemention projects with PP business scenarioS/4 Hana On-premise
 Discussion on Support projects; Roll-out projects; Upgradation ProjectsS/4 Hana On-premise
 Discussion on different support toolsS/4 Hana On-premise
Certifications:Candidate can appear below certification exams after sucessfully completion this course: 
1SAP Certified Application Associate – Production Planning & Manufacturing with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP7 
2SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP S/4HANA Production Planning and Manufacturing (1709) 
Target Audience  
1SAP consultant (other than PP module) 
2SAP End user 
3Production Engineer / Business Analyst in manufacturing Industry 
4Fresh Graduate engineer who has done training in manufacturing Industry 

SAP S4 HANA Finance Training Course Content – S4 HANA Finance
1. Basic settings.
 Define company.
 Company code.
 Business area.
 Chart of accounts.
 Account groups.
 Fiscal year variant.
 Field status variant.
 Document types and number ranges.
 Define retained earnings account.
 Tolerance group for employees and
o GI, A/CS.
 Assigning all above definition to
 Company code.
2. General Ledger (GL)
 GL master creating.
 Journal entry posting in INR.
 Journal entry posting in foreign
 Blocking a GL posting.
 Unblocking a GL account.
 Parking a document.
 Holding a document.
 Reference document.
 Sample documents.
 Recurring entries.
 Reversal.
 Normal reversal.
 Mass reversal.
 Reversal of the reversal.
 Account display.
 Document display.

General Ledger Accounting
 Ledgers and Currency Settings
 New GL
 Subsequent Implementation of Additional ledgers
 Parallel Accounting
 Parallel Valuation
 GL Master Data & Cost Elements in SAP HANA ( On-Premise &
 Document Posting & Analysis using FIORI
 FICO Integration
Accounts Receivable And Accounts Payable
 Business Partner Introduction
 Business Partner Approach
 System Demo- BP Creation & Configuration
 Customer Vendor Integration ( CVI)

3. Account receivable (AR)
 Account group creation .
 Field status reconciliation A/C.
 Define No. range group and No.
 Assign No. range group to account
 Creation of tolerance group for
 GL – A/C creation.
 Customer master creation.
 Document types and No. ranges.
 Customer invoice posting
 Customer incoming payment
 Customer down payment
 Parking of customer invoice
 Parking of customer outgoing payment

 Credit memo.
 Party statement.
4. Dunning Procedure.

 Configuraton of dunning procedure
 Assign Dunning procedure to company code
 Execute dunning procedure
5. Account payable (AP)
 Account group creation (MM and FI
 Field status (Reconciliation A/C)
 Define no. range group and No Ranges.
 Assign No. range group to account
 Define tolerance group for vendors.
 GL A/C creation.
 Vendor master creation.
 House banks.
 Credit memo.
 Party statement.
6. Automatic Payment program
 Configuration of Automatic payment program
 Assigning House bank to G L A/c /Vendor A/c
 Creation of check lots
 Execute Automatic payment program
7. Asset management (Asset Accounting) (AM / AA)
 Creation of chart of deprecation
 Creation of Asset class
 Acquisition (Asses master creation)
 Depreciation keys (SLM, WDR)
 Sale of asset.
 Scrapping of an asset.
 Transferring of an asset from one
Business area to another
 Overview of New Asset Accounting and Activation
 Posting Logic in New Asset Accounting
 Posting Integrated Asset Acquisitions through Finance &Logistics
 Asset Under Construction with Accounting Principle
 Retirement of Asset
 Scrapping of Asset
 New Depreciation Calculations and Simplifications with the new
program and new Table

8. Integration FI – MM
 Creation of G L A/c
 Assigning G L A/c for Automatic posting
9. Integration FI – SD.
 Creation of G L A/c
 Assigning G L A/c for Automatic posting
10.Withholding Tax
 Creation of withholding tax keys
 Creation of withholding tax type
 Creation of withholding tax codes
 Activate Extended withholding tax

11.Country India Version
 Configuration for GST

12.Interest Calculation
13.Cash Journal
15.Closing entries
16. Financial statement version

What is SAP S4 HANA and What is Simple Finance
 Introducing SAP HANA
 Introducing SAP S4 HANA Finance
 Row Store VS Column Store
 Analytics View
 Calculation View
Cost Center & Internal Order

 Cost Centre
 Activity Type
 Statistical key figure
 Planning of Activity type
 Planning of Statistical key figure
Product Cost controlling
 Costing Sheet
Profitability Analysis (COPA)
 Overview of Profitability Analysis
 Operating Concern
 The flow of Actual Data
 Integration with Sales Order Management
 Profitabity Report
Profit Center Accounting
 Dummy Profit Center
 Profit Center

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