Over view of SAP Master Data
- Master Material & Material types
- Bills of Material
- Work Center Resources
- Routing, Rate routing, Recipes
Sales & Operation Planning
- (with standard so76 info structure)
- Planning with Product Groups
- Planning with Material
- Product group aggregation and desegregation
- Creation of plan
- planning methods _level by level
- Consistent delta planning
- Transfer of plan to demand
- Management and splitting
Master Planning
- Demand planning
- Planning strategies
- Functions of demand management
- Version management
- Creation of planned independent
- Requirements
- Forecasting
Planning Material Requirement
- Master data in MRP
- Planning with technique and business
- Information
- MRP, procedures MRP, MPS & CBP
- (consumption based planning)
- Carrying out planning run (MRP run)&planning file
- Control indicators processing key in MRP (NETCH.NETPL NEPL)
- Evaluation of planning results and planning table
- Master production scheduling (mps run)
- Processing planned orders
- Availability check w.r PIR &ATP logic
- Capacity planning &capacity leveling
Shop Floor Control (Production Orders Descrete Management)
- Production order maintainance
- Copying master data
- Scheduling -basic date and lead-time
- Availability check in production orders
- Goods movement and movement types
- Production order confirmation
- Batch management
- Material class
- Batch status management
- Batch determination
Class And Classification
- Material class
- Batch class
- Creation of objects
- Creation of class and assigning of
- Characteristics values
Integration With Other Modules Theory Andintegrating Settings - Module production costing in co module
- Quality management -QM module
- Materials Management- MM module
Repetitive Manufacturing
- Master data
- REM profile
- Production versions
- Rub schedule headers
- Cost collectors
- Preliminary cost estimate
- Planning with planning table
- REM back flushing
Implementation Methodology
- Implementation procedure as per ASAP
- methodology