Overview of the Photoshop/Flash
 What is Photoshop
 What is Flash
 Summary
Interface & operations
 About Interface
 Touring The Toolbar
 Options Palette Bar
 Tabbed Palettes
 Zoom Tool Interface
 The Blank Canvas
 Starting Out
 Specific Size
 Color Modes
 Converting Color Modes
 Opening A File
 Resize Image
 Resizing Canvas
 Rotating And Flopping
 file browser intro
 rotating and ranking
 image organization
 rename and delete
 workspaces
 options at bottom
 organizing documents
 Saving Your File
 File types
 document sizes
 customize document
 Crop Tool
 Trimming Image
 Background Layer
 Creating A New Layer
 Re-arranging Layers
 auto color
 Presenting to Clients
 History Undo
 Preference setting
 Preserving States
 Move Tool with Layers
 Linking Layer Movement
 Layer Sets
 Move Via Layer Sets
 Locking Layer Movement
 Layer Transparency
 Layer Set Transparency
 Labeling Layers

 Marquee Tool
 Elliptical Marquee Tool
 Constrained Aspect Tool
 Saving A Selection
 Moving A Selection
 Histogram
 Adjustment Layers
 Layer Adjustments
 Grouping Adjustments
 curves zoom box
 auto curves
 Brightness / Contrast
 Levels
 Output Levels
 RGB Levels
 Hue / Saturation
 Desaturate
 Cloning Out Problems
 Cloning Document
 Color Picking
 Eyedropper Tool
 Other Imaging Tools
 Blur
 Sharpen
 Dodge
 Burn
 Eraser
 Saturate-Desaturate
Brushes & Text
 Healing Brush
 healing brush
 patch tool
 Type Tool
 Text Boxes
 Font Size
 Type Kerning
 Type Leading
 Type Tracking
 Faux Fonts
 Vertical and Horizontal
 Warp Text
 Coloring Logo
 Image Transparency
 Gradient
 Gradient Editor
 Gradient Layer
 Image Adjustments
 Invert
 Threshold
 Gradient Map
 Transformations

 Free Transform
 Transforming Type
 layer mask
 creating mask
 disable mask
 painting on mask
 vector mask
 quick mask
 Paint Bucket
 Custom Shape
 custom brush
 Filters Intro
 Motion Blur
 Radial Blur
 Noise Filters
 Wave Filters
 Fading Filters
 Grouping
 Adjustment Grouping
 Grouping Layer Sets
 Liquify
 Liquify
 Multiply
 Screen
 Dissolve
 Color
 Saturation
 Coloring Black and White Artwork
 Colorizing Photos
 Airbrush Tool
 Paintbrush
 Pencil
 Clone Stamp
 Keyboard Brush Shortcuts
 Straight Lines
 batch rename
 What Are Effects
 Deleting Effects
 Drop Shadow
 Inner Shadow
 Inner Glow
 Outer Glow
 Bevel and Emboss
 Satin
 Color Overlay
 Gradient Overlay
 Pattern Overlay
 Stroke
 Pasting Effects
 Blending Options

 Capturing Styles
 Drawing Effects
 pattern maker
 Picture Package
 proof sheets
 Creating Actions
 batch rename
 Review
Exploring Flash products
 Flash applications
 Flash approaches
 Evaluation of Flash products
Basics of Flash software
 Working with Flash
 Working with graphics
 Building graphic elements for a Plash product
Flash Animation
 Frame-by-frame
 Motion tweening
 Shape tweening
Flash Interactivity
 Types of Interactivity
 Active Learning
 ActionScript in Flash
 Components in Flash
Flash Multimedia
 Power of Multimedia
 Sound in Flash
 Video in Flash
 Visual Elements in Flash
Planning and Producing a Flash Project
 Audience, purpose, architecture
 Design Issues
 Accessibility
 Testing and usability
 Packaging & publishing a Flash product
 choosing a workspace
 document window & toolbars
 the document window
 the launcher
 the insert panel & tool sets
 the document toolbar
 the property inspector
 dockable floating panels
 using contextual menus
Site Control

 defining a site
 file and folder management
 creating site maps
 using the file browser
 create a site from nothing
 defining the site
 creating and saving documents
 inserting images with assets panel
 adding text
 aligning page elements
 modifying page properties
 creating links with text and images
 adding keyword & description meta tags
 preview in browser
 define a secondary browser
 link with point to file
 linking to new source files
 browse for file and link history
 anchor links
 email links
 file links
 imagemaps
 html text formatting
 font lists
 text alignment
 html lists
 color schemes
 text in tables
 flash text
 character objects
 insert and modify a table
 fixed width tables
 relative width tables
 hybrid table
 insert tabular data
 sort table data
 simple rollovers – insert rollover
 simple rollover – swap image behavior
 multiple-event rollovers
 flash buttons
Cascading Style Sheets
 redefining HTML tags
 defining a custom class
 CSS selectors
 CSS selectors to group tags

 linking to external CSS
 CSS reference panel
 editing in the code view
 code view options
 quick tag editor & attribute hints
 cleanup HTML
 cleanup word HTML
 code validator / XHTML
 form objects
 creating a form
 creating a jump menu
 set text of status bar
 open browser window behavior
 downloading and installing extensions
 history panel
 copy / paste history
 create web photo album
Templates and Library Items
 templates in action
 creating / modifying templates
 library items in action
 creating / modifying library items
Inserting Media Objects
 linking to sounds
 embedding sounds
 inserting flash content
 inserting director content
 inserting a quicktime movie
FTP Management
 Understanding FTP
 Setting up FTP Server (Live)
 Uploading and downloading FTP contents
 Summary
 Preparing designs.
 Deploying application on Web Server
 Summary

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